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Full-stack Engineer

By Cecilia Caselli
Published in Fundamentals
December 20, 2023
1 min read
Full-stack Engineer

Full-stack Engineer

  1. General Definition

Let’s first define what stack means. Stack stands for a collection of technologies that work together to run web applications. Some of the technologies do include: programming languages, frameworks, databases. For example, one of the most popular stacks for JavaScript is MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Nodejs).

A full–stack developer knows how to build a web application from A to Z: frontend, backend, and the architecture behind the application. When building a web application, they adopt an end-to-end approach to the lifecycle of a software. For this reason, a full-stack developer usually participates in the whole creation process of a product, starting from conceptualisation to deployment.

  1. Knowledge and Competencies

As a full-stack developer you should learn:

  • Internet and web fundamentals. You should be comfortable with terms such as DNS, IP address, http;
  • Frontend fundamentals;
  • Backend fundamentals; like Javascript, Python, Ruby, or PHP
  • Database Management. From designing, creating, and maintaining databases.
  • API Design and Development.

Soft Skills

As a full-stack developer you are:

  • a problem-solver; you identify the issues quickly, and in the same way you address solutions.
  • communicative; your role requires you to communicate effectively both with others team members and stakeholders.
  • adaptable; you are eager to learn new technologies and to change environments.








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Cecilia Caselli

Cecilia Caselli

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